Level Up! Life Skills Executive Functioning Group

Using the Evidence-Based Unstuck and On Target Curriculum

Level Up! Life Skills is designed to teach and enhance your student’s executive functioning skills. Our program targets the foundations of flexible problem solving, time management, and organization/planning. The small group is a 6-week program utilizing cognitive behavioral techniques and includes parent information sessions. Curriculum is based on the evidence-based Unstuck and On Target program.  Learn more about it here: https://www.unstuckandontarget.com

Level Up! Life Skills works for students who are experiencing all types of challenges including ADHD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Learning Differences. Students who experience difficulties with executive functioning may have trouble keeping up with their workload, managing materials, and regulating their emotions, etc. Learning these skills can impact your child emotionally, academically, and socially. 

Spots are limited and fill up fast!  The SPRING 2024 group will meet on Thursday evenings 6-7pm March 14th – April 25th, 2024 (no session on April 4th due to Spring Break) and is co-led by Amanda Brown, M.Ed., LPA and Meghan Ainsworth, M.Ed., LPA.  The parent information sessions are led by Carrie Blackeye-Hall, M.S., LPP.
Use this link to sign up: