Has your child’s dyslexia tutoring been disrupted?
All of our certified and credentialed Barton tutors are now available virtually for online tutoring to help close any gaps!
“Many of our existing Barton tutoring students have moved to online tutoring sessions,” says Abby Klein, Director of Academic Therapy Services at the Learning Center @ Wright Psychology, “But we have capacity to serve additional students whose sessions may not be available right now due to schools and many other facilities closing.”
The team has quickly mobilized to ensure continuity of sessions for their students and now has the ability to help more – thanks to onboarding new equipment and online resources that have primarily been used for in-person tutoring sessions.
So how does it work?
Parents are able to schedule tutoring sessions like usual and then receive a link to join the session online at the appointed time. The student and their tutor work together via video conferencing – so they are able to work “face-to-face –“ while also sharing a screen of the same tools they would use during a typical session.
“We want to ensure continuity of services for existing clients and equip our staff with the tools to do that, even though we’ve had to temporarily close our practice doors,” says Dr. Maggie Wright, Psy.D. founder of the Wright Psychology and Learning Center. “But beyond that, we want to be a bridge to families whose tutoring may have been disrupted by the many changes happening in life right now. Our goal is to help students to continue their progress and avoid any setbacks so they are able to resume their normal routines when those become available again.”
Want to learn more? Contact the Wright Psychology & Learning Center wrightpsychology@gmail.com or (502) 807-9551.
You can also visit our website or follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@wrightpsychology).